eat pray fengshui
Find Harmony In Life
Marilyn Jones is a Certified Feng Shui practitioner (CFSP). She lives in Utah and has 3 amazing children. She began her healing journey in 2011 and Feng Shui always spoke to her soul. She decided to follow her passion in 2020 with the desire to empower others by offering education, inspiration, and consulting in interior design with the application of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology. She has always had a natural eye for design and a love for teaching and she can utilize these loves by showing how Feng Shui can harmonize your life and space on an intrapersonal level. Feng Shui and life experience have deepened her beliefs that everything is energy and has duality therein. It has taught her that being in touch with the flow of energy everywhere, and simple, yet intentional and subtle changes, bring the harmonious, peaceful feeling everyone longs for, to enjoy their life and personal spaces truly. A space where we feel supported and we can live a life that is guided by us rather than by all the external forces that project their will upon us.

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